Getting Started

JIRA Extension Points

Coding Questions

Here are some guidelines for getting help. We get a lot of support requests and bug reports (some valid, some not) for the ScriptRunner plugins. So many that we can’t help with them all in the way that I’d like to. Both plugins have the facility for writing your own code. However we can’t help with every coding problem, and coding problems are not necessarily a problem of the plugins.

Be sure to mention that you are using the Cloud version of ScriptRunner
  1. If it appears to be a bug in the plugin, we are very grateful for bug reports, so please create an issue in our Adaptavist Product Support Portal.

  2. If it’s a general configuration issue with the plugin, then open a support request in the Adaptavist Product Support Portal.

  3. If none of the above, read on.

If you have a how-to question writing a groovy script, for instance how to accomplish something with the API, then generally your question is equally applicable if you were writing in java, and you should put a question on The question does not generally relate specifically to one of my plugins, therefore you should throw open the question to the widest possible audience.

Sometimes it’s relevant that you’re using the ScriptRunner Add-on, but usually not. But please mention it in your question, all publicity helps.

Support requests

If you do ask for help at least include

  • the URL to your instance

  • The output from the SR Diagnostics page

Don’t add a comment to this page asking your question. Before you do that, please read the page again.